Cancer affects the entire family

Welcome to the Treehouse!
Join us, alongside families around the world who are looking for family-focused cancer resources and support.
Treehouse members have access to...
- Support Content for patients, spouses, kids and more
- Additional CLIMB® Materials
- Strength in Numbers
(Did we mention it's all free?)
We're here for you!

Our program will provide parents with:
The tools to identify and address the affect their disease is having on their children.
Reduced stress by knowing that their children are getting the support and assistance they need to normalize the feelings that accompany this “family disease.”
The emotional support of other parents who are dealing with similar issues.
Parents tell us they can now more easily talk with their children about the cancer, that their children are expressing more feelings at home, that the children look forward to the “club,” and they— the parents— are now comfortable in requesting more information and support.
Join us today!
CLIMB® Online Community Registration
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